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Dan met Paula at San Mateo High School in California. When he saw her for the first time, Dan turned to his best friend, Greg, and announced his intention to marry her before he ever knew her name. Eventually, Dan & Paula dated and married. Dan joined the U.S. Air Force, and Paula worked as a telephone operator until they started a family. They had three children and raised them in Fairfield, California on Jelly Bellies, Nation’s Burgers, and 49ers football. Dan took a job at Chevron after leaving the Air Force, and his engineering career eventually led the family to relocate to Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia. That move brought the family new experiences and all kinds of adventures – like traveling throughout Europe and the Middle East, and attending boarding school (yes, like Hogwarts!). In 2000, the McLeods bought their home in Las Vegas and Paula moved back to the U.S. with their youngest son. Dan finally put down his suitcases a few years later and retired.


Alexandra, the oldest child and is now a practicing attorney running for judge. She has tried cases on both sides of the civil bar (both for plaintiffs, and for defendants) in front of Clark County juries. She is ready to take her trial experience to the bench, and ready to earn your vote to get there. In her free time, Alex is a singer and all around melophile, still loves to travel, and volunteers as a youth Sunday School teacher in her local church.


Greg, named for Dan’s best friend, is the middle child. He graduated from UNLV with a degree in hotel administration and has worked at some of the fanciest hotels on the Strip. He’s a movie buff and football fanatic.


We can’t forget the youngest, Scott, graduated from Coronado High School and then thought it would be okay to move away and get married. Scott is currently Dan & Paula’s favorite child because he and his wife, Charity, have the only grandbabies. 

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